Michael Happel is a photographer living in New York City. His work has been displayed by Black & White Magazine. He is most passionate about street photography, but also enjoys shooting landscapes, portraits, and fashion. When asked about his love for photography he said:

      “There are many reasons I love photography. It makes me so much more observant about the world around me. Whether I have my camera or not, I am constantly seeing light, shadows, shapes, people and scenes that I would not have noticed if I hadn’t trained my eye through photography. Photography has also taken me to places I may not have otherwise gone. This could be a glacier in Greenland, a street festival in Cuba, or the Brooklyn Bridge in the snow. And, I have met so many wonderful people through photography. This includes talented photographers, wonderful models, and strangers on the street. In short, photography makes me happy. I don’t know exactly where photography will take me, but I know I am enjoying the journey!”

- Michael Happel